
Hello and welcome to BashaMO, The Blog.
This blog is run by the scientifically proven theory that sharing is caring. Therefore I must care about you, whomever you may be..

Thursday, April 5, 2007

"Mystically Gay"

Rell Ohlson (yes!) and Josh Rios (all right!) made this adorable little animation. Including the music. I intermittently witnessed this glorious endeavour as it unraveled in the comfort of my own home.

* “Crucified cupcakes on the holy mountain as the ghost balloons try to steal my dog to take to Conan the Barbarian. Josh and Rell documented the whole thing.” -Rell
* “Jodorowsky eats a bloody cupcake and kicksback with Rell and Josh to drink Tecate and watch Matt Dillon be sexy. Afterwards we made a video about it.” -Josh

Please enjoy! How could you not?

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Tiny Spur, Teency Clout, United States
writing to you from Tiny, Spur