Anyways, if you don't know already, it's for Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. But Dr.W has expanded and specified the diagnosis: "radial neuritis @ the quadrangular", and added a "sympathetic component to the pain", and mentioned "myofascial"-- which I've been hearing a lot. She even assigned books for me to read: It's Not Carpul Tunnel, and Fibromayalgia & Myofascial Pain (but she says I do not have Fibromayalgia, because my pain is specific and with known cause).
OH!OH! She is the first Western Doctor I've ever been to that suggested accupuncture, yoga, and bike riding. I'm feeling hopeful that with hard work, discipline, and continuing life changes, I can get this TOS under control and soon live a pain free life!
But here's a little something for you readers, who are at the computer right now!
Don't forget the proper posture....

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