
Hello and welcome to BashaMO, The Blog.
This blog is run by the scientifically proven theory that sharing is caring. Therefore I must care about you, whomever you may be..

Sunday, December 28, 2008


"Aksak Maboul already contained some of the key elements of the Crammed æsthetics: eclecticism, internationalism, deliberate and playful mixing of forms, cultures and genres."


Crammed Discs : Genre-bending Around The Globe

"Crammed is recognized as one of the most exciting, adventurous and boundary-breaking independent labels worldwide. Crammed has kept reinventing itself, and has been coming up with new forms of fusion, mixing elements of world music, rock and electronica ever since its inception in the early ’80s, often anticipating the musical movements which bloomed during the next two decades."


--Via LastFM

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Tiny Spur, Teency Clout, United States
writing to you from Tiny, Spur