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Saturday, February 7, 2009


Ahhhhhh just finished the first book of Roberto Bolaño's 2666.

Onto the second of three.

If anyone else is reading it let me know so we can discuss it. There's so much going on, so many interweavings of plots, so much poetry, I know I'm missing some intricacies that someone else might be picking up on and picking up on some intricacies that someone else might be missing. The beauty of the personal exchange with reading.

This makes me miss the BOOK CLUB us gals had back in 2006 we'd meet at spiderhouse when it was totally different and I used to live nearby.


Watercolor Portraits of Natalia Ginzburg said...

So this review talks about some of the frustrations I've had with 2666.

I put the book down somewhere in the middle of The Part About The Crimes because it was giving me nightmares. I don't think I hate it, but I do sense, um, hostility and rage which are hard to subject myself to for pages and pages. It's likely I will still finish it, but it's something I'm definitely going to give myself a lot of time for.

Watercolor Portraits of Natalia Ginzburg said...

But then there's also the first paragraph of this.
I don't know. Interesting, interesting.

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Tiny Spur, Teency Clout, United States
writing to you from Tiny, Spur