Hello and welcome to BashaMO, The Blog.
This blog is run by the scientifically proven theory that sharing is caring. Therefore I must care about you, whomever you may be..
This blog is run by the scientifically proven theory that sharing is caring. Therefore I must care about you, whomever you may be..
Monday, September 7, 2009
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Life Is Busy
Tone Set was a New Wave/Technopop band from Tempe, Arizona that formed about 1982. It was comprised of Galen Herod and Greg Horn. KSTM radio helped them promote their hit, "Out out!" which featured sampling from The Gomer Pyle Show, a that got some airplay in the Phoenix area in the 80's.
Friday, August 28, 2009
I will be phasing out BASHAMO in favor of a more focused and minimal format of sharing only sources of inspiration-- the things that influence me.
Please come along for the ride and follow me.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Reconfigurations of Subjectivity
3.2 Reconfigurations of Subjectivity in White Noise
From: Television and Literature: David Foster Wallace's Concept of Image-Fiction, Don DeLillo's White Noise and Thomas Pynchon's Vineland

The use of conceptual language, deja vu, the blending of the real and the simulated: i.e. the ways in which the characters of the novel perceive the world are deeply influenced by the media. Jack Gladney's perceptions and thoughts are completely based on televisual stereotypes. He does not use the media in a conscious way, but rather his consciousness is remodeled along their lines of association and reasoning. At the "showdown" he appears less as an individual about to have an intense experience than as an actor distanced from himself and acting according to someone else's script. Instead of an epiphanic revelation of his own identity in this confrontation, Jack experiences the loss of a stable self: "I was a Buddhist, a Jain, a Duck River Baptist." (p. 310)
The form of subjectivity represented by Jack Gladney is comparable to the one described by Jean Baudrillard in his essay "The Ecstasy of Communication". Gladney's experience at the showdown with its emphasis on surfaces and "structures and channels" resembles Baudrillard's descriptions of schizophrenia, a state in which the subject completely loses himself into "networks of influence". For Baudrillard schizophrenia is "the absolute proximity, the total instantaneity of things [...] the overexposure and transparence of the world which traverses [the subject] without obstacle."(75)
This chapter explores the ways in which DeLillo represents the alterations in subjectivity which occur in a culture deeply informed by the media. The barrage of images, signals and stimuli, the "white noise" which surrounds the Gladney family, has led not only to changes in the ways in which subjects perceive the world, but also in their understanding of themselves, their relation to death, and the ways in which they relate to power and knowledge. Baudrillard's "schizophrenia" is only one way to conceptualize this new kind of subjectivity which rests at the heart of Don DeLillo's
From: Television and Literature: David Foster Wallace's Concept of Image-Fiction, Don DeLillo's White Noise and Thomas Pynchon's Vineland

The use of conceptual language, deja vu, the blending of the real and the simulated: i.e. the ways in which the characters of the novel perceive the world are deeply influenced by the media. Jack Gladney's perceptions and thoughts are completely based on televisual stereotypes. He does not use the media in a conscious way, but rather his consciousness is remodeled along their lines of association and reasoning. At the "showdown" he appears less as an individual about to have an intense experience than as an actor distanced from himself and acting according to someone else's script. Instead of an epiphanic revelation of his own identity in this confrontation, Jack experiences the loss of a stable self: "I was a Buddhist, a Jain, a Duck River Baptist." (p. 310)
The form of subjectivity represented by Jack Gladney is comparable to the one described by Jean Baudrillard in his essay "The Ecstasy of Communication". Gladney's experience at the showdown with its emphasis on surfaces and "structures and channels" resembles Baudrillard's descriptions of schizophrenia, a state in which the subject completely loses himself into "networks of influence". For Baudrillard schizophrenia is "the absolute proximity, the total instantaneity of things [...] the overexposure and transparence of the world which traverses [the subject] without obstacle."(75)
This chapter explores the ways in which DeLillo represents the alterations in subjectivity which occur in a culture deeply informed by the media. The barrage of images, signals and stimuli, the "white noise" which surrounds the Gladney family, has led not only to changes in the ways in which subjects perceive the world, but also in their understanding of themselves, their relation to death, and the ways in which they relate to power and knowledge. Baudrillard's "schizophrenia" is only one way to conceptualize this new kind of subjectivity which rests at the heart of Don DeLillo's

Tuesday, August 11, 2009
1. fringefringe - the outside boundary or surface of something
outer boundary, periphery
bound, boundary, edge - a line determining the limits of an area
2. fringefringe - a part of the city far removed from the center; "they built a factory on the outskirts of the city"
city district - a district of a town or city
suburb, suburban area, suburbia - a residential district located on the outskirts of a city
3. fringe - one of the light or dark bands produced by the interference and diffraction of light
interference fringe
optical phenomenon - a physical phenomenon related to or involving light
4. fringe - a social group holding marginal or extreme views; "members of the fringe believe we should be armed with guns at all times"
social group - people sharing some social relation
5. fringe - a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead
coif, coiffure, hair style, hairdo, hairstyle - the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
6. fringe - an ornamental border consisting of short lengths of hanging threads or tassels
edging - border consisting of anything placed on the edge to finish something (such as a fringe on clothing or on a rug)
Verb 1. fringe - adorn with a fringe; "The weaver fringed the scarf"
handicraft - a craft that requires skillful hands
adorn, decorate, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify - make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"
2. fringe - decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe; "fur fringed the hem of the dress"
border, environ, surround, skirt, ring - extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
outer boundary, periphery
bound, boundary, edge - a line determining the limits of an area
2. fringefringe - a part of the city far removed from the center; "they built a factory on the outskirts of the city"
city district - a district of a town or city
suburb, suburban area, suburbia - a residential district located on the outskirts of a city
3. fringe - one of the light or dark bands produced by the interference and diffraction of light
interference fringe
optical phenomenon - a physical phenomenon related to or involving light
4. fringe - a social group holding marginal or extreme views; "members of the fringe believe we should be armed with guns at all times"
social group - people sharing some social relation
5. fringe - a border of hair that is cut short and hangs across the forehead
coif, coiffure, hair style, hairdo, hairstyle - the arrangement of the hair (especially a woman's hair)
6. fringe - an ornamental border consisting of short lengths of hanging threads or tassels
edging - border consisting of anything placed on the edge to finish something (such as a fringe on clothing or on a rug)
Verb 1. fringe - adorn with a fringe; "The weaver fringed the scarf"
handicraft - a craft that requires skillful hands
adorn, decorate, grace, ornament, embellish, beautify - make more attractive by adding ornament, colour, etc.; "Decorate the room for the party"; "beautify yourself for the special day"
2. fringe - decorate with or as if with a surrounding fringe; "fur fringed the hem of the dress"
border, environ, surround, skirt, ring - extend on all sides of simultaneously; encircle; "The forest surrounds my property"
Monday, August 10, 2009
TuathadaDanaan (2 years ago) Show Hide
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Not much life in those background gals lol...that was trippy!! Thanx!! Peace!
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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tuathada, baby. the video was made in the early 80s just as MTV and video culture was being launched. the actual vehicle for the song to get out in the world was a 45rpm so you get the idea how long ago this was. you might not have even been born then. continued in next box...
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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the budget was lower than zilch. still, the song managed to make it to the esteemed Village Voice Pazz and Jop Poll as a top single release of the year. continued in box below.
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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among the background singers you find lifeless is none other than the very lively syd straw, who, in addition to having her own amazing career as a solo artist, has worked with everyone from ricky lee jones to loudon wainwright to michael stipe. (keep going below..)
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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the strength of the piece was the song itself. waldman was out there early creating pop culture to encourage necessary poltical protest. maybe if we had had more trippy vids like this one, who knows? lifeless background babes and all, we might not find ourselves as a nation in the not so felicitous state of affairs in which we are in today, had their been more background gals like those in the video. (one more to go.)
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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personally, i see them as vital and lively, an crew composed of courageous women, real pioneers on every front. may i respectfully ask, so what do you say now, miss tuathada danana? (i like your name. it's got riddim.)
Marked as spam
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Not much life in those background gals lol...that was trippy!! Thanx!! Peace!
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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tuathada, baby. the video was made in the early 80s just as MTV and video culture was being launched. the actual vehicle for the song to get out in the world was a 45rpm so you get the idea how long ago this was. you might not have even been born then. continued in next box...
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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the budget was lower than zilch. still, the song managed to make it to the esteemed Village Voice Pazz and Jop Poll as a top single release of the year. continued in box below.
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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among the background singers you find lifeless is none other than the very lively syd straw, who, in addition to having her own amazing career as a solo artist, has worked with everyone from ricky lee jones to loudon wainwright to michael stipe. (keep going below..)
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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the strength of the piece was the song itself. waldman was out there early creating pop culture to encourage necessary poltical protest. maybe if we had had more trippy vids like this one, who knows? lifeless background babes and all, we might not find ourselves as a nation in the not so felicitous state of affairs in which we are in today, had their been more background gals like those in the video. (one more to go.)
hallyhopper (1 year ago) Show Hide
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personally, i see them as vital and lively, an crew composed of courageous women, real pioneers on every front. may i respectfully ask, so what do you say now, miss tuathada danana? (i like your name. it's got riddim.)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Agent Cooper (aka Taco)
Friday, July 31, 2009
How come babies aren't born monkeys?
All text taken directly from online Christian fundamentalist forums.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Digestion Digest
I have been keeping an ingestion journal that has turned into something I would like to make into a book one day. Will scan parts soon... (it's all done with a typewriter).
I showed it to Marisa Plumb.
Here is her response:
"i really like the cooking/journal pages you gave me, the voice seems really intertwined with the aesthetic of the text, and there seemed to be little slippages in the topical focus that sparked, in my little old brain, ideas about the sometimes turbulent nature of experience and linearity and mood........"
I showed it to Marisa Plumb.
Here is her response:
"i really like the cooking/journal pages you gave me, the voice seems really intertwined with the aesthetic of the text, and there seemed to be little slippages in the topical focus that sparked, in my little old brain, ideas about the sometimes turbulent nature of experience and linearity and mood........"
Saturday, June 13, 2009
I Love You Still Belaire
This video is beautiful.
Another confirmation that my comrades are incredible. Yes.. can you tell I'm feeling a little homesick for Austin?
You Really Got Me Goin' from Cari Palazzolo on Vimeo.
Another confirmation that my comrades are incredible. Yes.. can you tell I'm feeling a little homesick for Austin?
Sunday, June 7, 2009
David Lynch Camp
Had a dream that I was in David Lynch Camp.
He appeared and told me that my challenge is to
"stay on the path... no matter what."
Then he disappeared and I was in a house full of mole guys. Guys who were not friendly. And I was to work on my stuff-- which involved writing and playing distorted bass. All I know is that these guys kept laughing at me. And if I entered a room they were in, they would all leave the room, whispering. I was feeling very left out and flustered.
David Lynch appeared again.
"Do what you do... no matter what."
Then I was in a room with my bass and was working on some feedback. And this guy comes in, smerky, and asks if I can turn it down. And I say, "I can't-- I'm doing feedback, if I turn it down there will be no feedback." And he was like, "well can you at least put some headphones on." And I respond, "well if I put headphones on, then I won't be using the amplifier, then there surely won't be any feedback."
Then he turned around and walked away and went into the other room where everyone started laughing. I felt a stride of confidence and walked into the room and said "What's up guys?" and they all whispered, giggled, then left me alone again in the room. I was feeling sad and confused.
David Lynch appeared again.
"Do not get distracted."
Stay on the path. No matter what.

Also, remind me to tell you about my Arthur Russell camp dream-- I was assigned to the World Of Echo cabin.
He appeared and told me that my challenge is to
"stay on the path... no matter what."
Then he disappeared and I was in a house full of mole guys. Guys who were not friendly. And I was to work on my stuff-- which involved writing and playing distorted bass. All I know is that these guys kept laughing at me. And if I entered a room they were in, they would all leave the room, whispering. I was feeling very left out and flustered.
David Lynch appeared again.
"Do what you do... no matter what."
Then I was in a room with my bass and was working on some feedback. And this guy comes in, smerky, and asks if I can turn it down. And I say, "I can't-- I'm doing feedback, if I turn it down there will be no feedback." And he was like, "well can you at least put some headphones on." And I respond, "well if I put headphones on, then I won't be using the amplifier, then there surely won't be any feedback."
Then he turned around and walked away and went into the other room where everyone started laughing. I felt a stride of confidence and walked into the room and said "What's up guys?" and they all whispered, giggled, then left me alone again in the room. I was feeling sad and confused.
David Lynch appeared again.
"Do not get distracted."
Stay on the path. No matter what.

Also, remind me to tell you about my Arthur Russell camp dream-- I was assigned to the World Of Echo cabin.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
3 Ludus'
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Nanobangbang.5 Vogue Off Dance Fight Instructions

Sneak peek at part of the choreography for one of the dances for NANOBANGBANG HIGH FIVE. To be performed on June 7th @ SVT. More info
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
3 Quotes of the Week
1. "It’s not where you take things from-- it’s where you take them to.” -Jean-Luc Godard
2. “Knowledge of the technical makes creativity possible.” —Josef Svoboda (1968)
3. "Aesthetic discoveries are socially different from scientific discoveries, and this difference is political." -Lyn Hejinian
2. “Knowledge of the technical makes creativity possible.” —Josef Svoboda (1968)
3. "Aesthetic discoveries are socially different from scientific discoveries, and this difference is political." -Lyn Hejinian

Monday, April 27, 2009
The Literary Merits of Lolcats
- - - -
ENG 371WR:
Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era
M-W-F: 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Instructor: Robert Lanham
Students must have completed at least two of the following.
ENG: 232WR—Advanced Tweeting: The Elements of Droll
LIT: 223—Early-21st-Century Literature: 140 Characters or Less
ENG: 102—Staring Blankly at Handheld Devices While Others Are Talking
ENG: 301—Advanced Blog and Book Skimming
ENG: 231WR—Facebook Wall Alliteration and Assonance
LIT: 202—The Literary Merits of Lolcats
LIT: 209—Internet-Age Surrealistic Narcissism and Self-Absorption
Excerpt from McSweeney's Internet Tendency
- - - -
ENG 371WR:
Writing for Nonreaders in the Postprint Era
M-W-F: 11:00 a.m.–12:15 p.m.
Instructor: Robert Lanham
Students must have completed at least two of the following.
ENG: 232WR—Advanced Tweeting: The Elements of Droll
LIT: 223—Early-21st-Century Literature: 140 Characters or Less
ENG: 102—Staring Blankly at Handheld Devices While Others Are Talking
ENG: 301—Advanced Blog and Book Skimming
ENG: 231WR—Facebook Wall Alliteration and Assonance
LIT: 202—The Literary Merits of Lolcats
LIT: 209—Internet-Age Surrealistic Narcissism and Self-Absorption
Excerpt from McSweeney's Internet Tendency
Friday, March 13, 2009
Where Single Ladies Video Came From
Compare & Contrast
Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" awesome hot video here (They disabled embedding)
Beyoncé's "Single Ladies" awesome hot video here (They disabled embedding)
Thursday, March 12, 2009

The Peripatetics were members of a school of philosophy in ancient Greece. Their teachings derived from their founder, the Greek philosopher Aristotle and Peripatetic (Greek: περιπατητικός) is a name given to his followers. The name refers to the act of walking, and as an adjective, "peripatetic" is often used to mean itinerant, wandering, meandering, or walking about. The school derives its name from the peripatoi (colonnades) of the Lyceum gymnasium in Athens where the members met, although a later legend claimed that the name came from Aristotle's alleged habit of walking while lecturing. of wiki entry
Monday, March 9, 2009
80's Fashion Video
It's all my favorite kinds of clothes plus cats. The narrative and music sequence is too much too hilarious. Thanks Eric!
There are so many great quotes in here: "I am a woman in motion. A fluid abstraction of an untamed doll." "I'm the news as it races to the front page."
There are so many great quotes in here: "I am a woman in motion. A fluid abstraction of an untamed doll." "I'm the news as it races to the front page."
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
RXR Re-Blog
Monday, February 23, 2009
This is from Reverse XRays' blog.
Underground venues, punks vs. art-rockers, midget keyboardists?
There was a time when I could keep track of the underground venues in town,such as warehouses, galleries, and various DIY show-spaces, but nowadays there are so many, with new ones popping up rather often. Independent artistic culture gives me that feeling of inspiration when I visit one of these places where folks are making their dreams happen now. A few years back some architecture students from the university opened up a well-received space called the Green Door in an East Side industrial zone, and while the residents lacked basic amenities and comforts, the guests could shimmy and cavort on raised platforms framed by painted silvery surfaces. Alas, these wonderful micro-worlds generally last for but a season, yet much excitement prevails in the meantime.
Early on, some of us in Reverse X Rays let it be known that underground-type spaces (rather than the downtown clubs) were where we preferred to play. After the record and tour, interest in our performances has grown apace, and as a practical matter a show with more than 50 or 60 people may require an official venue, and we are happy to play those nightclubs that display honesty and ethics in their dealings with artists. Nowadays we can fill up a higher-profile space like Club Deville, but to me, what is more inspiring is a DIY space some kids put together out of love for music and good times with friends.
Perhaps because of our admiration for this kind of underground culture, we got booked in a punk warehouse space: a bit of an odd match for RXR. Now, for some background, I must mention my interest in an undeservedly obscure part of 1970's music history: punk-rockers vs. art rockers! What perhaps began as a disappointment with not getting a decent view of the stage at a 20,000 person Yes or Moody Blues concert turned into a insouciant, spiky-haired backlash against muso technique borrowing classical bits, mysterioso cosmic lyrics, and expensive synthesizers. This reaction is understandable: these jet-set prog-rockers really had gone too far into pomp-rock, what with Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake and Palmer playing a grand piano suspended from a crane, Rick Wakeman of Yes (and David Bowie’s “Changes” and “Space Oddity”) dressed up in wizard robes (,/bio15.htm), playing keyboards while sundry knights staged a sword-battle as they skated about an ice rink. Such spectacle was an unfortunate sign that prog was morphing into a bloated variant of arena-rock. After the initial burst of genuine progressivism roughly '68-'73, fewer good songs appeared from the prog wing of art-rock. A ponderous, would-be magnum opus LP often contained longer and longer pieces, with songwriting prowess giving way to mathlete* muscle or jazzy noodling, while the live shows relied on flash and spectacle (or laser displays!) to stimulate the baked brains of the throngs of not-so young youth. Something was going to challenge this dense, largely undanceable music, so overly reliant on technical sophistication and complexity.
There was a period where what is now called "zolo" emerged around 1974 as a post-prog, new direction in art-music, with artists such as Tin Huey or Pere Ubu showing a danceable, less technically complex approach that was still quite imaginative. Certain tracks of the Brian Eno records of the '73-'74 era and Robert Fripp's League of Gentlemen, virtually all of the '76-79 era Taking Heads, as well as bands like ESG, were likewise economical/arty/funky/novel. There was a focus on songs that were much more to the point, with no need for prog-rock elaborate theatricality or cryptic lyrics about elves or starships. These and other new bands could more-or-less fit in with the early punk (at first a movement, not a genre) and new wave. But after an initial premise of radical creativity and innovation, in the UK and then the US, the kids needing to do their own thing regressed to a back-to-basics aesethtic: cliched bad boys with tough guitars in leather jackets, etc, and the critics sided with these brash upstarts. Unsurprisingly, Talking Heads later fretted about being labeled "art rock", but that was their own fault, as they had Adrian Belew, a member of King Crimson, playing with the band! For that matter, various punk rockers, from Sid Vicious, to some of Bad Brains, had influences from progressive rock (as it turned out, punk over the decades increasingly became a mohawked parody of itself, turning the original streetwise freak-boom that demanded total artistic freedom into artless formulaic aping of early anti-heroes by antisocial malingerers on the dole and on the syringe, 1,257 '80's hardcore outfits ranting against Ronald Reagan, and in recent years, radio-friendly boy-bands providing the soundtrack for confused alt-mallrat youth "rebellion" at chains like Hot Topic)
Now RXR are not a prog band, but as I was preparing for the show at a punk venue, I certainly did want to look as un-punk as feasible, so I selected striped trousers and a dark blue suitcoat. Time to represent the art-rockers in the 512! While I do actually like some some early punk, such as the Fall and the Clash (though I personally think the Sex Pistols are almost as overrated as Madonna) I thought it more entertaining to dress fancy-style, as if I were invited to a midnight tea party in a garden with handsome lady professors, cellos, and miniature cakes. I also remember Kate Pierson of the B-52's talking of their early days in Athens Georgia, and how they would wildly over-dress for the parties they went to, resulting in raised eyebrows.
As it turned out, I got no more than the odd quizzical glances from the subcultural denizens at the warehouse we played the show at. I did ask a gentleman with a facial tattoo about his opinions about implanting microprocessors into the brain, but was unable to get much going there. Maybe the connections between Jack Ruby and Hank Williams Sr. would have been a better icebreaker? Later I went around afterwards loudly announcing “has anyone seen our little green flute?” (which was, in fact, missing) noone reacted with disdain or sarcasm. Perhaps the speedy tempos, gong, and car-horn sax had won them over?
The highlight of the night: a blotto time-traveler* who was evidently a 9-string guitarist and ex-prodigy, informed me that Reverse X Rays "need a keyboard-playing midget" in the band. The more I think about it...the more interested I become. Any takers?
* -"mathlete"-originally meaning braniac math student, here referring to highly technically skilled musician
* -“time-traveller”-someone who was around in much earlier
periods of the pop-scene, such as the new-wave 1970’s
This is from Reverse XRays' blog.
Underground venues, punks vs. art-rockers, midget keyboardists?
There was a time when I could keep track of the underground venues in town,such as warehouses, galleries, and various DIY show-spaces, but nowadays there are so many, with new ones popping up rather often. Independent artistic culture gives me that feeling of inspiration when I visit one of these places where folks are making their dreams happen now. A few years back some architecture students from the university opened up a well-received space called the Green Door in an East Side industrial zone, and while the residents lacked basic amenities and comforts, the guests could shimmy and cavort on raised platforms framed by painted silvery surfaces. Alas, these wonderful micro-worlds generally last for but a season, yet much excitement prevails in the meantime.
Early on, some of us in Reverse X Rays let it be known that underground-type spaces (rather than the downtown clubs) were where we preferred to play. After the record and tour, interest in our performances has grown apace, and as a practical matter a show with more than 50 or 60 people may require an official venue, and we are happy to play those nightclubs that display honesty and ethics in their dealings with artists. Nowadays we can fill up a higher-profile space like Club Deville, but to me, what is more inspiring is a DIY space some kids put together out of love for music and good times with friends.
Perhaps because of our admiration for this kind of underground culture, we got booked in a punk warehouse space: a bit of an odd match for RXR. Now, for some background, I must mention my interest in an undeservedly obscure part of 1970's music history: punk-rockers vs. art rockers! What perhaps began as a disappointment with not getting a decent view of the stage at a 20,000 person Yes or Moody Blues concert turned into a insouciant, spiky-haired backlash against muso technique borrowing classical bits, mysterioso cosmic lyrics, and expensive synthesizers. This reaction is understandable: these jet-set prog-rockers really had gone too far into pomp-rock, what with Keith Emerson of Emerson, Lake and Palmer playing a grand piano suspended from a crane, Rick Wakeman of Yes (and David Bowie’s “Changes” and “Space Oddity”) dressed up in wizard robes (,/bio15.htm), playing keyboards while sundry knights staged a sword-battle as they skated about an ice rink. Such spectacle was an unfortunate sign that prog was morphing into a bloated variant of arena-rock. After the initial burst of genuine progressivism roughly '68-'73, fewer good songs appeared from the prog wing of art-rock. A ponderous, would-be magnum opus LP often contained longer and longer pieces, with songwriting prowess giving way to mathlete* muscle or jazzy noodling, while the live shows relied on flash and spectacle (or laser displays!) to stimulate the baked brains of the throngs of not-so young youth. Something was going to challenge this dense, largely undanceable music, so overly reliant on technical sophistication and complexity.
There was a period where what is now called "zolo" emerged around 1974 as a post-prog, new direction in art-music, with artists such as Tin Huey or Pere Ubu showing a danceable, less technically complex approach that was still quite imaginative. Certain tracks of the Brian Eno records of the '73-'74 era and Robert Fripp's League of Gentlemen, virtually all of the '76-79 era Taking Heads, as well as bands like ESG, were likewise economical/arty/funky/novel. There was a focus on songs that were much more to the point, with no need for prog-rock elaborate theatricality or cryptic lyrics about elves or starships. These and other new bands could more-or-less fit in with the early punk (at first a movement, not a genre) and new wave. But after an initial premise of radical creativity and innovation, in the UK and then the US, the kids needing to do their own thing regressed to a back-to-basics aesethtic: cliched bad boys with tough guitars in leather jackets, etc, and the critics sided with these brash upstarts. Unsurprisingly, Talking Heads later fretted about being labeled "art rock", but that was their own fault, as they had Adrian Belew, a member of King Crimson, playing with the band! For that matter, various punk rockers, from Sid Vicious, to some of Bad Brains, had influences from progressive rock (as it turned out, punk over the decades increasingly became a mohawked parody of itself, turning the original streetwise freak-boom that demanded total artistic freedom into artless formulaic aping of early anti-heroes by antisocial malingerers on the dole and on the syringe, 1,257 '80's hardcore outfits ranting against Ronald Reagan, and in recent years, radio-friendly boy-bands providing the soundtrack for confused alt-mallrat youth "rebellion" at chains like Hot Topic)
Now RXR are not a prog band, but as I was preparing for the show at a punk venue, I certainly did want to look as un-punk as feasible, so I selected striped trousers and a dark blue suitcoat. Time to represent the art-rockers in the 512! While I do actually like some some early punk, such as the Fall and the Clash (though I personally think the Sex Pistols are almost as overrated as Madonna) I thought it more entertaining to dress fancy-style, as if I were invited to a midnight tea party in a garden with handsome lady professors, cellos, and miniature cakes. I also remember Kate Pierson of the B-52's talking of their early days in Athens Georgia, and how they would wildly over-dress for the parties they went to, resulting in raised eyebrows.
As it turned out, I got no more than the odd quizzical glances from the subcultural denizens at the warehouse we played the show at. I did ask a gentleman with a facial tattoo about his opinions about implanting microprocessors into the brain, but was unable to get much going there. Maybe the connections between Jack Ruby and Hank Williams Sr. would have been a better icebreaker? Later I went around afterwards loudly announcing “has anyone seen our little green flute?” (which was, in fact, missing) noone reacted with disdain or sarcasm. Perhaps the speedy tempos, gong, and car-horn sax had won them over?
The highlight of the night: a blotto time-traveler* who was evidently a 9-string guitarist and ex-prodigy, informed me that Reverse X Rays "need a keyboard-playing midget" in the band. The more I think about it...the more interested I become. Any takers?
* -"mathlete"-originally meaning braniac math student, here referring to highly technically skilled musician
* -“time-traveller”-someone who was around in much earlier
periods of the pop-scene, such as the new-wave 1970’s

Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Art to Set Tibet Free?
Saint Laurent Art Sale Brings In $264 Million
A dispute has unfolded over two Qing dynasty bronze animal heads, a rabbit and a rat, originally looted from an imperial palace in China but purchased legally. China has demanded their return, but a French court ruled Monday evening that the auction of the heads can proceed as scheduled on Wednesday.
Here’s what Mr. Berge has declared, “Moi, je suis prêt à offrir ces têtes en bronze au gouvernement chinois, tout de suite…Il leur suffit de déclarer qu’ils vont appliquer les droits de l’homme, rendre la liberté aux Tibétains et accepter le dalaï-lama sur leur territoire.”
Translation: “I am ready to offer the bronze heads to the Chinese government immediately… They simpy have to declare that they will enforce human rights, give freedom back to Tibetans and allow His Holiness The Dalai Lama entry into Chinese territory.”
A dispute has unfolded over two Qing dynasty bronze animal heads, a rabbit and a rat, originally looted from an imperial palace in China but purchased legally. China has demanded their return, but a French court ruled Monday evening that the auction of the heads can proceed as scheduled on Wednesday.
Here’s what Mr. Berge has declared, “Moi, je suis prêt à offrir ces têtes en bronze au gouvernement chinois, tout de suite…Il leur suffit de déclarer qu’ils vont appliquer les droits de l’homme, rendre la liberté aux Tibétains et accepter le dalaï-lama sur leur territoire.”
Translation: “I am ready to offer the bronze heads to the Chinese government immediately… They simpy have to declare that they will enforce human rights, give freedom back to Tibetans and allow His Holiness The Dalai Lama entry into Chinese territory.”

art auction,
free tibet,
pierre bergé,
yves saint lauren
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
They were filming here, which is why I am just starting to go to bed and it’s 3:38am.
A horror movie. There was much screaming. My claim to fame is that I talked to the “soup nazi” you know, from Seinfeld. He didn’t act at all like the soup nazi, though.
A moth just attacked the computer then my neck; I suspect it’s from the glow. Once I shut this down, it will go for the lava lamp. Yeah I found a lava lamp here and plugged it in and the hue is quite pleasant, the gob’s movement quite mesmerizing.
You can see the stars here, clear and bright, if you go outside and look up.
Also, there is a paper cutter and wood burning stove in this room.
It’s 7:37AM and I took my morning pee in the great outdoors then tip toed into the main house to make coffee and toast. Also I will have some yogurt with honey. Then I will wander around the premises which are much vaster than I originally thought. Will get back to this after that.
Ooops I burnt the toast because I was writing this.
Oh tried to take a shower. I ended up washing my hair in the sink.
The three of us perused the grounds. We jumped on the trampoline. Tried to chop wood. And found all four of the parameters. I want to make a map, my own map of the land.
So anyways I got home here and the dogs greeted me with curious barks.
I no longer need to turn on the trail lights to get to my den from the main house.
Ate some yogurt then came back here and greeting Scully with cuddles and pets. And she greeted me with purrs and chirps.
I’m up in the loft. I still have to carry Scully up and down the ladder. It’s pretty cute. Amanda and I both tried to teach her how to master the ladder, but I don’t think it’s gonna happen.
I’m in bed typing this. She’s all curled up now. She’s all I have.
Slept way later than I wanted. It’s all about the morning light here. I’m still catching through the trees at 11am. Inexplicable dreams
Scully is currently making her curious questioning helpme meow as she tried to figure alternative ways to get up to the loft.
I’m hoping she and Maya, the cat who lives here, can get along. Maya’s been nothing but sweet but Scully all skitzed out from the move and territorial in general. I think Scully would benefit from a cat friend when I’m not around. The dogs, sweet as can be, are big and scary to her I’m sure. But she doesn’t hiss, she just stares intently and backs away.
The tap water here isn’t tap water. It’s well water. And it’s delicious.
Made some French Toast on the cast iron, topped with yogurt and berries and a touch of agave nector. Percolated espresso coffee with soymilk. Took Scully for a little walk… well, she took me. Slowly introducing her to the grounds outside our little den.
Woke up without an alarm on time. There’s this crazy clock. I would say it’s noisy, because it is, but then you would start hearing that conventional tick-tock. This clock makes the strangest noise, it’s insistence and constant, and kinda psychedelic. Anyways, I’ve come to like it. And I’ve always hated clock noises. This one doesn’t sound like time edging on one second at a time; it sounds like time constantly in radical flux. Also, it creates an ambient noise inside the den as a buffer to the outside creeking and howling.
BIG NEWS: Scully now goes up AND down the ladder.
Today is lovely. I’m drinking tea. Just ate a bagel with half cream cheese half butter and a smidgen of jelly across it all. And yogurt with a little salt and a blackberry. Typing this outside on the picnic table as the trees filter the sun into patterns.
I’m starting to get an idea of what kind of home environment life style I truly want.
Involving much Solitude.
Temporary retreat hiatus living situation:

Thursday, February 19, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
I will never get over this. There are about 100 amazing things going on here.
kitten book narrated by weird 6 year old:
kitten book narrated by weird 6 year old:
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Portsmouth Sinfonia
We were listening to Brian Eno's Taking Tiger Mountain (By Strategy) today. BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL INFINITELY AMAZING ALBUM.
Did you know Eno was also a part of this? He played clarinet...
The Portsmouth Sinfonia was a real orchestra founded by a group of students at Portsmouth School of Art in Portsmouth, England, in 1970—however, the Sinfonia had an unusual entrance requirement. Players had to be either non-musicians, or if a musician, play an instrument that was entirely new to them. Among the founding members was one of their teachers, English composer Gavin Bryars. The orchestra started as a one-off, tongue-in-cheek performance art ensemble but became a cultural phenomenon over the following ten years, with concerts, record albums, a film and a hit single. The impact of the Portsmouth Sinfonia was considerable and their name and reputation has endured even though they last performed publicly in 1979.
The early repertoire of the Sinfonia was drawn from standard classical repertoire ("The Blue Danube" waltz, "Also Sprach Zarathustra", etc), so that most orchestra members had a rough idea of what the piece, or at least famous parts of it, should sound like; even if they could not play their chosen instrument accurately, they would at least have an idea that they should be going higher at one part then lower at another, and so on. The end result was the musical ensemble producing not only the correct note but several notes nearby, 'clouds of sound' that gave an average impression of the piece.
via wiki
Did you know Eno was also a part of this? He played clarinet...
The Portsmouth Sinfonia was a real orchestra founded by a group of students at Portsmouth School of Art in Portsmouth, England, in 1970—however, the Sinfonia had an unusual entrance requirement. Players had to be either non-musicians, or if a musician, play an instrument that was entirely new to them. Among the founding members was one of their teachers, English composer Gavin Bryars. The orchestra started as a one-off, tongue-in-cheek performance art ensemble but became a cultural phenomenon over the following ten years, with concerts, record albums, a film and a hit single. The impact of the Portsmouth Sinfonia was considerable and their name and reputation has endured even though they last performed publicly in 1979.
The early repertoire of the Sinfonia was drawn from standard classical repertoire ("The Blue Danube" waltz, "Also Sprach Zarathustra", etc), so that most orchestra members had a rough idea of what the piece, or at least famous parts of it, should sound like; even if they could not play their chosen instrument accurately, they would at least have an idea that they should be going higher at one part then lower at another, and so on. The end result was the musical ensemble producing not only the correct note but several notes nearby, 'clouds of sound' that gave an average impression of the piece.
via wiki

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009
Band Lotto REMIX
Henry Gillespie, one of the youngest members of Business Deal Record's BAND LOTTO, created a MEGAMIX out of the Lotto Album Compilation. PARTYTIME
LISTEN TO IT! This will be fun for those of you who already have it. For those of you who don't, this will give you a taste incentive to get the album that chronicles this social and musical experiment.

This project included members from: Charles Potts Magic Windmill Band, Count Dracula/ Jam Engine, The Carrots, Low Red Center, Cry Blood Apache, Total Abuse, Finally Punk, Cave Dweller, Pataphysics, Gayle Gold, MVSCLZ, Belaire and more..
LISTEN TO IT! This will be fun for those of you who already have it. For those of you who don't, this will give you a taste incentive to get the album that chronicles this social and musical experiment.

This project included members from: Charles Potts Magic Windmill Band, Count Dracula/ Jam Engine, The Carrots, Low Red Center, Cry Blood Apache, Total Abuse, Finally Punk, Cave Dweller, Pataphysics, Gayle Gold, MVSCLZ, Belaire and more..
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Cadences give phrases a distinctive ending, which can, for example, indicate to the listener whether the piece is to be continued or concluded. An analogy may be made with punctuation,[3] with some weaker cadences acting as commas, indicating a pause or momentary rest, while a stronger cadence will then act as the period, indicating the end of the phrase or musical sentence. A cadence is labeled more or less "weak" or "strong" depending on the sense of finality it creates. While cadences are usually classified by specific chord or melodic progressions, the use of such progressions does not necessarily constitute a cadence—there must be a sense of closure, as at the end of a phrase. Harmonic rhythm plays an important part in determining where a cadence occurs.
Edward Lowinsky thought that the cadence was the "cradle of tonality."[4]
Edward Lowinsky thought that the cadence was the "cradle of tonality."[4]

Saturday, February 7, 2009
anonymous quote
"The work is the art for a machine that produces the ideas that means the air she breathes."
-Quoted (I believe this was SPAM inspired)
-Quoted (I believe this was SPAM inspired)

Ahhhhhh just finished the first book of Roberto Bolaño's 2666.
Onto the second of three.
If anyone else is reading it let me know so we can discuss it. There's so much going on, so many interweavings of plots, so much poetry, I know I'm missing some intricacies that someone else might be picking up on and picking up on some intricacies that someone else might be missing. The beauty of the personal exchange with reading.
This makes me miss the BOOK CLUB us gals had back in 2006 we'd meet at spiderhouse when it was totally different and I used to live nearby.
Onto the second of three.
If anyone else is reading it let me know so we can discuss it. There's so much going on, so many interweavings of plots, so much poetry, I know I'm missing some intricacies that someone else might be picking up on and picking up on some intricacies that someone else might be missing. The beauty of the personal exchange with reading.
This makes me miss the BOOK CLUB us gals had back in 2006 we'd meet at spiderhouse when it was totally different and I used to live nearby.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
"A Carillon"
A carillon (/kaʁijɔ̃/, /ˈkærɪljɒn/ or /kəˈrɪljən/) is a musical instrument consisting of at least 23 cast bronze cup-shaped bells which are played one after the other (to play a melody) or sounded together (to play a chord). A carillon is played by striking a keyboard (called a "baton") with the fists and by pressing the keys of a pedal keyboard with the feet. The keys mechanically activate levers and wires that connect to the metal clappers that strike the bells, allowing the performer (known as a "carillonneur") to vary the intensity of the note according to the force applied to the key.
Carillon bells are usually housed in the bell towers of church towers, belfries, or in municipal buildings. The carillon is the heaviest of all musical instruments; the total weight of bells alone can be 100 tons in the largest instruments. The greatest concentration of carillons is still found in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Northern France, where they were symbols of civic pride and status. Some of the most spectacular are now protected by UNESCO as part of the world heritage site the Belfries of Belgium and France.
-- Wiki
Carillon bells are usually housed in the bell towers of church towers, belfries, or in municipal buildings. The carillon is the heaviest of all musical instruments; the total weight of bells alone can be 100 tons in the largest instruments. The greatest concentration of carillons is still found in the Netherlands, Belgium, and Northern France, where they were symbols of civic pride and status. Some of the most spectacular are now protected by UNESCO as part of the world heritage site the Belfries of Belgium and France.
-- Wiki

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