Hello and welcome to BashaMO, The Blog. This blog is run by the scientifically proven theory that sharing is caring. Therefore I must care about you, whomever you may be..
I will compete/perform in COBRA, RAW SHACK and a FLUXUS piece (I can't tell you which because it will ruin the surprise), and the rest will be a surprise to me!
I know I know, but woah, I had to post this: (Plus it's just a cut&paste job from an email from Elana)
Leonid Yaroslavsky, a professor and researcher at Tel Aviv University, suggests that humans may have an ability to "see" colors and shapes with their skin. His optic-less imaging model is presented in a chapter of a new book, Advances in Information Optics and Photonics, and could lead to a new form of optical imaging technology that beats the limitations of today's lens-based imaging devices. His model may also explain how this controversial primordial instinct, which is observable in some plants and animals, might have evolved over millions of years.
"Some people have claimed that they possess the ability to see with their skin," says Prof. Yaroslavsky. Though biologists usually dismiss the possibility, there is probably a reasonable scientific explanation for "skin vision." Once understood, he believes, skin vision could lead to new therapies for helping the blind regain sight and even read.
Skin vision is not uncommon in nature. Plants orient themselves to light, and some animals -- such as pit vipers, who use infrared vision, and reptiles, who possess skin sensors -- can "see" without the use of eyes. Skin vision in humans is likely a natural atavistic ability involving light-sensitive cells in our skin connected to neuro-machinery in the body and in the brain, explains Prof. Yaroslavsky.
Real life prop to the right of my desk in the set:
This is where I emerged from in Phase Two: "The Telephone Rings" ~ 2 minutes in. The pile starts breathing and moves towards the phone ~ 4 minutes into the performance and I make my way out of all those discarded ideas to answer the phone. I imagined I was talking to a number of people who I was glad to hear from, and frankly I needed the break, but I was kinda in the middle of something.
This little video (taken on a canon camera) starts with Phrase Three. Sound Composed by Feedback, expanding on central theme in the piece. Feedback generated by my LineSix I got off craig's list and the Loop Station: pedals talking to each other.
Then Phrase Four. Composed with Bass. I'm striking the bass that's in my lap with a noname percussive instrument I found at a thrift store in California.I will put a picture up here. It's red and adorable. It's in the set. So is the bass.
Followed by Phrase Five. Composed with whistles, breath, and then live wind chimes.
What you don't get to see here at all is: Phase 1 (The Beginning) or Phase 2 (The Phone Call) or Phase 5 (The End).
Or the part when I leave the building cause "I had to get out of here" (Phase 5) and skipped around the building singing "Try Not To Get Worried" from JCSS. Hoping to get around back and surprise the audience, but alas, the door was locked, so I skipped back around singing. Apparently you could hear me from inside.
This is where I'm being a writer struggling with a character in the story she's trying to write because she's not really a writer.
Deena Meets Rose:
I was [overhead]projecting transparency sheets of a moment collage style mystic story draft. All of which I got feedback on by: Marisa Plumb, Benjamin S. Lowencron, Eric Shaefer, David Longoria, among others. I type on a typewriter, I really do. Because as you know I try to limit computer time. Plus it's just about writing and not about internet or photoshop. I need to hire an assistant.
There's a lot more I want to say. In fact, I want to talk about the questions part. Awkward, but I did get to talk about the lamp I spent three hours sewing buttons on even though I could have just glued them in a few minutes. But then you wouldn't have the different color thread.
Last note, I paid tribute to some of the editors on the draft idea here, but I'd like to add that I paid tribute in the show either verbally or in the set design. Sam Gary, who I do vocals for in a Zappa inspired complex catchy band called Gayle Gold. Well his shirt was one of the one's I tried on in the performance. I made a paper island for Chad A: to sit on and man the sound (loop station)--- very symbolic and just plain realistic. Also I talked about Ivan Lozano, because when I was working on a movie called "One, Two, One, Two" (almost finished), he helped me by letting me use Final Cut Pro and teaching me the basics. And so one my elaborate storyboard, I had his user name there. And so I blacked out parts. I also blacked out Hunter Harris' address. He just so happened to call me while I was typing up "the end" to The Rose story. And I wanted to get his address. So I could send him my "Keep Your Brain Alive" Zine. (Part of my campaign to keep your mailbox alive. Will have those scanned and posed on my coming-soon-website once I get a chance.)
I know there are some better higher quality photos and video out there but I'm excited to share quick! Although I don't know if it's too dark (wish I could do the lights again, hard to incorporate projector), but Sean @ Co-Lab has footage of the show's entirety, Ben Aquawas capturing it. How appropriate since it was performance expansion on portraits he took of me. Just curious to see the beginning because I had a very different perspective; couldn't see it at all.
Anyways, I'm going to start recording this blog with my voice instead of typing on the computer. It's part of my new life plan. I'll hit BashaMO up when I get a podcast line in.
I'm performing a piece called "The Reprisal & Renovation of Discarded Ideas" at Co-Lab Sunday evening. I really enjoy that Co-Lab is incorporating performance into their space, every sunday night.
Really, I don't watch TV. Truthfully. I just don't. It's not just a statement (although I wouldn't want to watch most of what's on there anyways), but really just a way of life. So for me to invest how ever many hours into The Wire. I'm going keep this short and say, it will help your understanding of society, politics, systems, power dynamics, and the streets. So as entertaining as it very well is, it's also informative on a practical emotional level.
Still struggling with Thoracic Outlet Syndrome. It's been almost three years now. Chronic pain remains a very strange problem to deal with and I need a new approach. I'm researching and implementing a different plan. Which involves far less computer. Not doing computer jobs, have too much to do on computer for event scheduling etc. Not using the computer is never easy as I always hope. So much information I need to get out of and put up on the computer all the time.
Whenever I am able, I do post about events, music, arts etc on www.AWTHUM.com Great place. So you can look for me (DeenOH on Awthum) there for those such things. Otherwise, I will rarely be posting much from now on and will reserve that energy for physical therapy and the like.
I findmicroblogging can be a great way to quickshare. And of course photos create their own language window of insight. If you're interested in me personally and what I do, my websitemight tell you a bit more.