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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

An Email, Regarding Obama

"oh the bailout is a big load of bullshit. make no mistake about that. it does nothing but throw our fake money system on a big fire and further indebt the next 100 years into wage slavery to massive transnational corporations. and as far as i'm concerned, it was utterly pointless from the perspective that it will prevent further economic collapse. all it does is incentivize bad behavior from wall street. feingold and sanders voted against it, so i feel fairly justified in saying that.

and all our money goes to finance the bloated, pernicious military-industrial complex. no democrat can straight up say as much if they want to become president. i'm not going to pretend like i'm 100% satisfied with obama, and i'm not opposed to voting 3rd party from time to time, to pull the democratic party to the left, if it seems necessary. i thought it was necessary in 2000, i would have voted for nader in 1996 as well. i probably would have voted for anderson in 1980.

so i do recognize that automatically voting democrat in every scenario is not necessarily the best course of action. but this year i think it is necessary for obama to win, despite the fact that his centrism is in some ways not very encouraging. mostly i think it prevents the democratic party from shifting further to the right. especially since he is the candidate that opposed the iraq war from the beginning. it puts pressure on all potential future democratic candidates to not tack to the neoconservative right, like they did in 2002. i think it was important that hillary clinton lose the primary for that reason, and i think it is important that obama win for the same reason.

now, as a diehard cynic, i'm not expecting a whole lot from an obama presidency. but i think it ought to be better than clinton on a policy-level, and at least as good on a managerial level, which is to say, about a billion times better than we can expect from mccain or palin, who are both total tools of the neo-con oil cabal."

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